martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018


196. "It seems to me that the mass, the quantity, the cattle, will always be despicable. The only thing that matters is a reduced number of spirits, who are always the same, and who pass the torch to each other. [...] I am convinced that we are going to look like extraordinary people to posterity. The words republic and monarchy will make you laugh, as we laugh today about realism and nominalism ... The first remedy will be the abolition of universal suffrage, which is the shame of human civilization ».

Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880),
French writer.

It is enough to follow a chronology about the implantation of the Universal Suffrage throughout the orb to verify that it is a strategy of conquest. In Europe, the countries that since the dawn of humanity have been the most racist and xenophobic, the Nordic, are the first to adopt this Genocidal Ideology and thus it is imposing itself throughout the continent.

Twice this abominable epidemic has taken place throughout history, the first was in Athens, its spirit was imperialist, which sparked the hatred of Sparta, finally facing the Peloponnesian War and being defeated Athens.

The second time that this monstrosity has seen the light with devastating and imperialist spirit has been after the Independence of the United States. UU and its subsequent Constitution. As Alexis de Tocqueville predicted:

282. "[...] And democracy itself, which governed North American societies, seemed to me to advance rapidly towards power in Europe."

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859),

332. "We are in the midst of what is intended to be a thorough reordering of the world by the most powerful states. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are only part of a supposedly universal effort to create a world order through the spread of democracy. "

Eric J. Hobsbawm (1917-2012),
British historian.

491. "After the independence and formation of the United States, a federal state is formed with a single party, the Democratic-Republican Party -democracy as popular government, republic as national government, aristocratic, in the sense pointed out by Aristotle and Montesquieu- , whose homogeneity allowed the march towards the West as established in the Manifest Destiny, where war of all kinds -either against tribes or against third countries, such as Spain or Mexico-, became a necessity to strengthen American democracy, thus increasing the territory, the basal layer ».

José Manuel Rodríguez Pardo (2018),
Spanish teacher.

495. "[...] However, the ensuing War of Secession, provoked by the casus belli of the attack on Fort Sumter was not such, as the Union stood firm, and those United States initiated with the independence of the Thirteen Colonies less than a century ago, they would become a Universal Empire, demonstrating that the relations between War and Democracy are as intense as there can be between any form of government and war. "

José Manuel Rodríguez Pardo (2018),
Spanish teacher.

Lebensraum, German word meaning "living space" and which was used as a means of propaganda of Nazi Germany to justify war against other countries in search of the territory that a nation needs to guarantee the survival of its natives. But this term also appears in the Manifest Destiny, as the same need on the part of the United States. UU with respect to its southern neighbors, starting with Mexico. War accompanies American democracy from its beginnings to the present day. And its need for lebensraum seems to have no end.

110. "Except in exceptional circumstances, it is more empowering to find a five-dollar bill on the sidewalk than to have the right to vote."

Jason Brennan (1979),
American philosopher.

No vote.

J. M. Mora

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