miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018



Under article 607 of the Spanish Penal Code, I accuse: Juan Carlos I, Felipe VI, Adolfo Suárez, Felipe González, José María Aznar, J. Rodríguez Rodríguez Zapatero, Mariano Rajoy and Pedro Sánchez de genocidas. To be absent from the oath, in parliament, of compliance with the Principles of the Movement, establishing illegally through the EC78 a regime of plunder, extermination and replacement of the Spanish population in connivance with the media, who also have criminal responsibility according to the same .

«The truth is on the way and nobody will stop it».

Emilio Zola (1840-1902)
French poet and writer


1. Legal perspective;

«Franco died convinced of the loyalty of Juan Carlos to his person and that he represented the continuity of his regime. Recall his words in the presentation before the plenary session of Las Cortes on July 22, 1969: "So, assessing with objectivity the conditions that concur in the person of Prince Don Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón, who has given clear examples of loyalty to the principles and institutions of the regime ... ".

»The next day, Juan Carlos, said in the same venue, among other things, the following:" My general, gentlemen ministers, attorneys-in-fact, fully aware of the responsibility that I assume I have just sworn as successor as King loyalty to his The Chief of the State and fidelity to the Principles of the National Movement and the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom, I would like to express first of all that I received from your Excellency the Head of State and Generalissimo Franco the political legitimacy that emerged on July 18, 1936, in the midst of sacrifice and so many sufferings, sad but necessary, so that our country could redirect its destiny.

»Spain in these last years has gone an important way under the direction of your excellence, the peace we have lived, the great progress in all the orders, the establishment of the foundations of a social policy that are the foundations for our future. Having found the authentic path and marking the clear direction of our future are the work of the exceptional man that Spain has had the immense fortune that it has been, and continues to be for many years, the rector of our policy.

"The solemn oath before you to faithfully fulfill my constitutional duties - that is, to give the Constitution a Fundamental Principle of the Movement - is what I can do at this time in the history of Spain. ¹My general, I am sure that my pulse will not tremble to do what was necessary in defense of the Principles and Laws that I have just sworn. 1969"».

2. Affective perspective;

«After Franco died, we found out from confidences of people around him that sometimes Franco would have tears of emotion contained before Juan Carlos's affectations. As for Ms. Sofia, also for confidences, we learned years after a very descriptive phrase of the wife of Franco Dña Carmen Polo: "This Sofia has gotten Paco in his pocket." Since, as we have already said, to Franco with his Galician setback it was not easy to deceive him, in my classes at the faculty I suggested that Hoollywood should grant Juan Carlos and Dña. Sofía two Oscars to the interpretation".


»Leaving now, for reasons of time, the fraud of law that is committed with the appointment of the new President of Las Cortes, Torcuato Fernández Miranda in December 1975, regarding the appointment of Adolfo Suárez as President of the Government, we have a phrase that He has made history and who betrays years later the clear fraud of law that was committed. When the stormy meeting of the Kingdom Council ends on July 2, 1976, behind closed doors, that is, with secret deliberations; Torcuato Fernandez Miranda who presided over it, when leaving to take the King the mandatory list, according to the Fundamental Laws of the General Franco Regime still in force [...] I can only tell you -to reporters- that I bring to the King what the King has asked me . Without wanting to, he is denouncing a clear fraud of the law. Legally, the King can not ask the President of the Council of the Kingdom to include the name of Adolfo Suárez at all costs. So important was the phrase that several years after the death of Fernandez Miranda a daughter of his publishes a book with the title I bring to the King what the King asked me and had previously been his doctoral thesis, wanting to denounce the defenestration that had suffered his father on the part of Juan Carlos with the direct collaboration of Adolfo Suárez».

»Returning to the role played by Adolfo Suárez in this process of dismantling, in fraud of law, the previous political regime, let's review his solemn television message of September 10, 1976 announcing the bill for political reform that will serve as a crowbar to unlock the door, or if you want the drawbridge where the enemies host of the regime, then still in force, will enter, defeated in March 1939, and who failed to assault the fortress after forty years of siege. Adolfo Suárez speaks: ² "As I said on another occasion, it is necessary to raise what is normal at the street level to normal." Suárez continues to reassure us- The reform only affects part of the fundamental laws and starts from the current legality There can not be or will be a constitutional vacuum - once again it gives constitutional character to the Principles of the Movement - this gap can not occur because Spain is a state of law».

»Faced with the theories that defend that thanks to the transition Spain had left a regime of autarky with little or terrible economic baggage, Suarez recognizes the work carried out in that framework by the General Franco Regime. Suárez, September 1976: "The government would have liked to lead the political transition in an economic situation like the one we enjoyed several years ago in full national and international expansion." [...]»


1. "In Las Cortes, on November 20, 2002, with an absolute majority of the Popular Party, with José María Aznar at the head, the Rising of July 18, 1936 is condemned."

2. "Actually before he had said something more serious but they corrected him, he said on his first occasion:" We must raise to the category of law what is already normal at the street level ". This is a legal barbarity, is to replace the right, the just of justice, by political sociology, is to destroy the achievements of Roman law formed and improved over the centuries by Christian morality, is to go back 4000 years and vindicate Sodom and Gomorra as models of democratic societies, because indeed there were raised to the level of law customs that were normal at street level.

3. "It is recognizing that Spain was already before the Constitution of 1978 a state of law".


Hillers, S. (2011). Sigfredo Hillers: The fraud of the political regime. Youtube. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/xzrHh2zA4bA



J. M. Mora

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